大衆報業·大衆日報客戶端 2022-04-24 16:25:06
聊城至今已有5000餘年的曆史,位于冀魯豫三省交界、山東省西部,全市總面積8715平方公裡。市區内有我國北方最大的城市湖泊——東昌湖,全市流域面積在30平方公裡以上的河流有23條,被稱為 “江北水城•運河古都”。
The total area of the Liaocheng is 8715 square kilometers. In the urban area, there is the largest urban lake in northern China, Dongchang Lake. There are 23 rivers with a drainage area of more than 30 square kilometers in Liaocheng. Therefore, it is called Water City North of the Yangtze and Ancient Capital by Grand Canal.
(大衆日報客戶端記者 李夢 張文婷 馬立瑩 楊庭棟 策劃 姚廣寬 劉江波)