(Via AFP/Getty)
"This is purely an agreement from the management and there is no external pressure," park spokeswoman Rika Lestari told the BBC.
公園的發言人Rika Lestari告訴BBC,“此番改變純粹是從管理角度出發的,沒有外界的壓力。”
"We are in the process of reshaping ourselves to be a family friendly amusement park."
Indonesia theme park censors mermaid statues' breasts (via BBC)
不過,創作了這兩座雕塑的雕塑家Dolorosa Sinaga認為園方的這個做法是剝奪了公衆欣賞藝術作品之美的權利。
"What they did was close public access to enjoy the arts", she said.
Indonesia theme park censors mermaid statues' breasts (via BBC)
"The statues didn't disturb us," Nanda Julinda, who took her children to the park, told the BBC. "It's weird to see art pieces being covered like that."
“這些雕塑并沒有妨礙到我們,”帶着孩子來公園遊玩的Nanda Julinda告訴BBC。"藝術作品被這樣遮蓋起來很奇怪。"
"It's located by the beach, and they are mermaids, and you wouldn't see mermaid covered with cloth like that," M Taufik Ficky said.
M Taufik Ficky說:“雕塑安置在海灘邊上,而它們是美人魚,你不會看到美人魚會被布那樣遮蓋起來。”
Indonesia theme park censors mermaid statues' breasts (via BBC)
把裸體雕像遮蓋起來:伊朗人說謝謝,但并不感謝意大利 (via BBC)
(Via BBC)
(Via BBC)
大英博物館解釋為什麼希臘雕塑是裸體的 (via The Telegraph)
這場名為《定義美麗——古希臘藝術中的人體》(Defining Beauty: The Body in Ancient Greek Art)的雕塑展于2015年3月26日至7月5日在大英博物館舉辦。
(via The Telegraph)
“The Greeks took their clothes off more than we did, but they didn’t walk down the High Street in Athens naked,” said Ian Jenkins, curator of the exhibition.
“在脫衣服這件事上,希臘人比我們更開放,但它們并不會裸體走在雅典繁華的商業街上,”該展覽的策展人Ian Jenkins說道。
“There is a tendency towards nudity [in sculpture] which is not true in any other civilisation. The Egyptians, the Persians and the Assyrians found it shameful.
“But to the Greeks it was the mark of a hero. It was not about representing the literal world, but a world which was mythologised.
“If you go in the Assyrian galleries, there are nudes but they are not heroic. They are victims of war, stripped and flayed alive. The Greeks found such representations as unappealing as we do. Their nudity was part of a disassociation from the reality of war. It’s an entirely different aesthetic world.”
British Museum explains why Greek statues are naked (via The Telegraph)