成都實驗外國語學校溫江校區?成都外國語學校,簡稱成外,是四川省第一所外語特色完全中學,是成都市教育局直管民辦學校成都外國語學校創建于1989年是教育部批準的具有保送資格的外國語學校、國家拔尖創新人才培養試點學校、全國安全教育先進單位2000年,學校被成都市教育委員會批準為“成都市重點中學”被社會、媒體、學生、家長譽為“中國西部民辦教育的旗艦”、 “培育盛世英才的搖籃,通向五洲四海的橋梁”,今天小編就來聊一聊關于成都實驗外國語學校溫江校區?接下來我們就一起去研究一下吧!

成都外國語學校,簡稱成外,是四川省第一所外語特色完全中學,是成都市教育局直管民辦學校。成都外國語學校創建于1989年。是教育部批準的具有保送資格的外國語學校、國家拔尖創新人才培養試點學校、全國安全教育先進單位。2000年,學校被成都市教育委員會批準為“成都市重點中學”。被社會、媒體、學生、家長譽為“中國西部民辦教育的旗艦”、 “培育盛世英才的搖籃,通向五洲四海的橋梁”
Chengdu Foreign Language School
Chengdu Foreign Language School (CHFS), referred to as Cheng Foreign Language School (CHFS), is the first comprehensive high school with foreign language characteristics in Sichuan Province. It is a private school directly managed by Chengdu Education Bureau. Chengdu Foreign Language School was founded in 1989. It is a foreign language school approved by the Ministry of Education with the qualification of recommendation, a national pilot school for cultivating top-notch innovative talents, and a national advanced unit of safety education. In 2000, the school was approved as "Chengdu Key Middle School" by Chengdu Municipal Education Commission. It is praised as "the flagship of private education in western China", "the cradle of cultivating outstanding talents and the bridge to all continents and corners of the world" by the society, media, students and parents.