答案在The Economist April 30th 2022 Finance & economics中“European gas--Tit for taps” 這篇文章末段可以找到。
lose one's shirt 失去一切,輸得精光,搞得精光
If you play cards with these guys, you can lose your shirt.
go haywire
go haywire 出現故障,紊亂,失去控制
If Germany, say, were cut off, gas markets would go haywire. European prices are already six times higher than they were a year ago. They would soar to new peaks, luring more LNG from the rest of the world and causing prices elsewhere to rise in turn. Jack Sharples of the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, a think-tank, reckons a full shutdown of Russian gas to Europe may well cause a global recession. Russia’s game of poker is getting scarier—and those losing their shirts could include bystanders, too.
比如說,如果德國被停止供氣,天然氣市場就會陷入混亂。歐洲天然氣的價格已經是一年前的六倍。如果從世界其他地方引入更多的液化天然氣,導緻其他地方的價格反過來上漲,天然氣的價格将飙升達至新高。智庫牛津能源研究所(the Oxford Institutefor Energy Studies)的傑克·夏普斯(Jack Sharples)認為,俄羅斯向歐洲全面斷供天然氣很可能導緻全球經濟衰退。俄羅斯的撲克遊戲變得越來越可怕——那些輸得精光的國家(人)也可能包括旁觀者。