顔色的英語單詞怎麼讀?顔色的英語單詞:colourI think the colour of the paint will blend in the wall very nicely.我認為這幅畫的顔色會跟牆很和諧,我來為大家科普一下關于顔色的英語單詞怎麼讀?下面希望有你要的答案,我們一起來看看吧!

I think the colour of the paint will blend in the wall very nicely.我認為這幅畫的顔色會跟牆很和諧。
The colour of these curtains approximates that of the rug.這些窗簾的顔色與地毯的顔色接近。
The colour of the wall and the colour of the carpet will blend together.牆的顔色和地毯的顔色很和諧。