英語否定回答所有縮寫?與肯定句一樣,英語否定句主要依賴輔助動詞 do, be, can, shall, may, must 等以及副詞 not 的使用否定句對do的依賴,甚至超過了肯定句事實上 do not (以及 does not, did not)是最常用的否定形式,今天小編就來聊一聊關于英語否定回答所有縮寫?接下來我們就一起去研究一下吧!
與肯定句一樣,英語否定句主要依賴輔助動詞 do, be, can, shall, may, must 等以及副詞 not 的使用。否定句對do的依賴,甚至超過了肯定句。事實上 do not (以及 does not, did not)是最常用的否定形式。
中國學生應該從一開始就學會使用這種形式,而不是說機械地把“他不知”、“他不來”翻譯為 He not konws, He not comes。難點在于記住要使用do,以及關聯動詞的變化。所以我們有:
肯定句 否定句
I come (go, play). I do not come (go, play).
I came (went, played). I did not come (go, play).
He comes (goes, plays). He does not come (go, play).
其他形式如cannot, are not, will not, must not等等的使用,都不難以此類推。
注意:(A)關于dare和need的使用,否定句我們說(1)He need not come, He dare not come, 但肯定句我們說(2)He needs to come, He dares to come。
(B)注意輔助動詞的簡寫形式:mustn't, don't, doesn't, didn't, isn't, wasn't, aren't, weren't, can't, won't, shan't, needn't, wouldn't, shouldn't, couldn't等。例如在 You mustn't do a thing like that 中,說mustn't比說must not更為簡潔。所以,學會使用這些簡寫形式是很重要的。