Ceramic products also include lead-glazed tomb models of the Han dynasty, three-color lead-glazed vessels and figures of the Tang dynasty, and Ming three-color temple ornaments, in which the motifs were outlined in a raised trail of slip-as well as the many burial ceramics produced in imitation of vessels made in materials of higher intrinsic value.
lead-glazed 鉛釉的;tomb墓穴;dynasty朝代;vessels容器;ornaments裝飾品;motifs圖案;outlined輪廓;raised凸起的;trail痕迹;
主幹:Ceramic products also include A of the Han dynasty,B of the Tang dynasty,and C(這裡插入一個非限制定語從句,修飾C) as well as D。
Ceramic products(主語) also include(謂語) lead-glazed tomb models (A賓語)of the Han dynasty(定語),陶瓷制品還包括漢代的鉛釉墓葬品;
three-color lead-glazed vessels and figures (B賓語)of the Tang dynasty(定語),唐代的三彩鉛釉容器和人物雕像;
and(C賓語) Ming three-color temple ornaments, in which the motifs were outlined in a raised trail of slip,明代的三彩廟宇裝飾品,這些裝飾品的圖案輪廓由凸起的線條勾勒而成;
as well as the many burial ceramics(D賓語) produced in imitation of vessels(過去分詞後置定語修飾burial ceramics) made in materials(過去分詞後置定語修飾 vessels) of higher intrinsic value(定語,修飾materials)以及許多埋葬品,這些埋葬品是一些由更高内在價值材料制成的器皿的仿制品。