更新时间:2024-09-29 17:25:09


  花了兩天時間,利用Midjourney ChatGPT繪制了162個英雄聯盟的英雄,由于圖片上傳有限,進展示部分效果圖,其他請看視頻。


  Within a mysterious ancient jungle, the image of KSante, the character from League of Legends, emerges. He is a druid warrior closely connected to nature and spirits, adorned in a green robe of life and ancient runes. He wields a dual-bladed sword infused with the power of nature, carrying the energy and strength of the natural world. His gaze exudes wisdom and profound insight. The backdrop is a dense jungle, with towering trees and vibrant life. The overall image should be filled with an ambiance of mystery and nature, highlighting KSantes identity as a druid warrior and his deep connection with nature. Pay special attention to the details of KSantes green robe of life, the dual-bladed sword, and the elements of the lush jungle in the background --ar 16:9 --s 750



  Within a mist of dark shadows, the image of Kayn, the character from League of Legends, emerges. He is an assassin wielding the power of shadows, donning a black cloak and armor, and wielding a shapeshifting weapon of darkness. His eyes flicker with a sinister crimson glow. The backdrop is a sinister and terrifying forest, shrouded in thick black mist. The overall image should be filled with an ambiance of darkness and malevolence, highlighting Kayns identity as a shadow assassin and his mastery over the powers of darkness. Pay special attention to the details of Kayns black cloak, armor, and the shadow weapon, as well as the elements of the eerie forest in the background --ar 16:9 --s 750



  Within a magical world, the image of Poppy, the character from League of Legends, emerges. She is a brave and resolute small warrior, wielding a massive hammer. She wears magnificent armor and a helmet, with eyes revealing determination and resolve. The backdrop is an ancient castle, with moss-covered walls and sunlight shining through the clouds. The overall image should be filled with courage and determination, highlighting Poppys characteristics as a small warrior and her resilience and indomitable will. Pay special attention to the details of Poppys massive hammer and magnificent armor, as well as the mysterious atmosphere of the castle in the background --ar 16:9 --s 750



  Within a high-tech laboratory, the image of Heimerdinger, the character from League of Legends, emerges. He is a genius scientist and inventor, wearing thick glasses and sporting a tuft of white hair on his head. He is dressed in a lab coat, holding a blue wrench in his hand. Various complex inventions and contraptions surround him, exuding an aura of technology and creativity. The backdrop is a laboratory filled with a sense of technology and futurism, illuminated by bright lights and electronic pulses. The overall image should be filled with an ambiance of technology and innovation, highlighting Heimerdingers intelligence and creativity. Pay special attention to the details of Heimerdingers thick glasses, white hair, and lab coat, as well as the elements of the laboratory in the background --ar 16:9 --s 750



  Within a gloomy graveyard, the image of Kalista, the character from League of Legends, emerges. She is a vengeful shadow goddess, clad in a flowing black robe, adorned with floating ghost-like veils. She wields a curved spear of vengeance, destined to seek out and punish betrayers. Her gaze is filled with hatred and determination. The backdrop is a desolate graveyard, filled with tombstones and an eerie atmosphere. The overall image should be filled with an ambiance of darkness and revenge, highlighting Kalistas identity as a shadow goddess and her relentless pursuit of betrayers. Pay special attention to the details of Kalistas black robe, ghostly veils, and the spear of vengeance, as well as the elements of the graveyard in the background --ar 16:9 --s 750



  Within a gloomy and terrifying graveyard, the image of Karthus, the character from League of Legends, emerges. He is a necromancer of the Deaths Song, clad in a black robe with his face covered by a skull mask. He hovers in the air, surrounded by potent death energy and blazing flames. His gaze reveals endless apathy and a desire for destruction. The backdrop is a desolate graveyard with crumbling tombstones and eerie winds. The overall image should be filled with an ambiance of gloom and terror, highlighting Karthus identity as a necromancer and his mastery over death. Pay special attention to the details of Karthus black robe, skull mask, the surrounding death energy, as well as the elements of the graveyard in the background --ar 16:9 --s 750



  Within a fantastical world covered in ice and snow, the image of Nunu & Willump, the characters from League of Legends, emerges. They are an adorable duo, with Nunu, a young boy, riding atop the massive snowman, Willump. Together, they embark on adventures, bringing joy and friendship. Nunu wields a magic wand, while Willump possesses powerful ice and snow magic.

  The backdrop is filled with snow-capped mountains and frozen lakes, enveloped in an atmosphere of ice and mystery. The overall image should be infused with a sense of joy and warmth, highlighting the companionship of Nunu & Willump and their icy adventures and magical abilities. Pay special attention to the adorable depiction of Nunu, the towering presence of Willump, and the details of the snow-capped mountains and frozen lakes in the background --ar 16:9 --s 750

  在一個冰雪覆蓋的奇幻世界中,顯現出《英雄聯盟》角色Nunu & Willump的形象。他們是一對可愛的夥伴,Nunu是一個小男孩,騎在Willump這隻巨大的雪人身上。他們一起冒險,帶來歡樂和友誼。Nunu手持魔棒,而Willump擁有強大的冰雪魔法力量。背景是雪山和冰凍湖泊,充滿冰雪和神秘的氛圍。整個圖像應該充滿歡樂和溫馨的氛圍,突出Nunu & Willump的夥伴關系以及他們的冰雪冒險和魔法能力。請特别關注Nunu可愛的形象、Willump巨大的雪人身軀,以及背景中雪山和冰凍湖泊的細節。


  Within a desolate western town, the image of Graves, the character from League of Legends, emerges. He is a resolute and ruthless bounty hunter, dressed in a crumpled suit and a wide-brimmed hat. His gaze is cold and piercing, exuding an aura of determination and fearlessness. He wields a double-barreled shotgun, ready to pursue fugitives and protect the innocent. The backdrop is a dusty town, brimming with a western charm and a sense of danger. The overall image should be filled with a desolate and determined ambiance, highlighting Graves merciless traits and his pursuit of justice. Pay special attention to the details of Graves crumpled suit and wide-brimmed hat, his cold and piercing gaze, and the elements of the town in the background --ar 16:9 --s 750



  In a bustling city street emerges the presence of Caitlyn, the character from League of Legends. She is a shrewd sheriff, dressed in elegant attire and a tall hat. Her gaze is sharp and focused, revealing her determination in law enforcement. In her hand, she wields a sophisticated sniper rifle, prepared to launch precise attacks against criminals. The backdrop is a vibrant cityscape, filled with towering buildings and bustling crowds. The overall image should be imbued with the busyness of the city and the essence of a sheriff, highlighting Caitlyns wit and vigilance. Pay special attention to the details of Caitlyns attire and sniper rifle, her gaze, and the urban elements in the background --ar 16:9 --s 750



  less Within a dark forest of spirits, the image of Hecarim, the character from League of Legends, emerges. He is a skeletal warhorse hailing from the realm of the undead, adorned in dark armor and cold iron chains. His gaze flickers with the wickedness and bloodlust of an undead creature. His mane and tail are engulfed in ghostly flames. He charges forward, his hooves shaking the earth, bringing the power of death and destruction. The backdrop is a haunting forest, filled with darkness and terror, exuding an aura of evil and oppression. The overall image should be filled with a dark and majestic ambiance, highlighting Hecarims malevolent and merciless traits.

  Pay special attention to the details of Hecarims dark armor, iron chains, and the burning mane and tail, as well as the elements of the ghostly forest in the background --ar 16:9 --s 750



  Within a dark and terrifying night, the image of KhaZix, the character from League of Legends, emerges. He is a demonic insect, with a purple-shimmering exoskeleton. He has sharp claws and wings, with eyes gleaming with green light. The backdrop is a gloomy forest, permeated with an eerie atmosphere. The overall image should be filled with an ambiance of darkness and terror, highlighting KhaZixs identity as a monstrous void creature and his insatiable desire to prey. Pay special attention to the details of KhaZixs purple exoskeleton, sharp claws, and wings, as well as the elements of the dark forest in the background --ar 16:9 --s 750



  Within a city shrouded in shadows, the image of Lucian, the character from League of Legends, emerges. He is a righteous gunslinger, dressed in a black battle robe and wielding a pair of silver pistols. His gaze reflects determination and resolve, while his cape billows in the gusty wind. The backdrop is a city veiled in dark clouds, illuminated by dim streetlights and swaying shadows. The overall image should be filled with an atmosphere of darkness and unwavering determination, highlighting Lucians identity as a righteous gunslinger and his unwavering fighting spirit. Pay special attention to the details of Lucians black battle robe, silver pistols, and billowing cape, as well as the elements of dark clouds, streetlights, and swaying shadows in the background --ar 16:9 --s 750



  Within a chaotic city street, the image of Jinx, the character from League of Legends, emerges. She is a wild girl with a strong desire for madness and destruction, dressed in vibrant clothing and sporting a unique hairstyle. She wields a crazy rocket launcher, delighting in burning and exploding everything in her path. Her eyes gleam with madness, and a challenging smile plays on her lips. The backdrop is a city filled with explosions and flames, with broken buildings and smoke filling the air. The overall image should be filled with an ambiance of wildness and destruction, highlighting Jinxs fervor and unpredictable nature. Pay special attention to the details of Jinxs vibrant clothing, unique hairstyle, and the crazy rocket launcher, as well as the elements of explosions and flames in the background --ar 16:9 --s 750



  Vladimir, the Crimson Reaper, dressed in blood-red robes, wielding his blood-red staff. His eyes flicker with wickedness and thirst, as if seeking the power of blood. The background is a dim underground chamber, splattered with crimson bloodstains --ar 16:9 --s 750



  Vex, the Gloomist, clad in black attire, emanating a dark aura. Her eyes brim with anger and rebellion, as if unleashing the darkness within her. The background is a crumbling reality, with twisted vistas and entwined black energy --ar 16:9 --s 750



  Vayne, the Night Hunter, dressed in her black cloak, wielding her crossbow. Her eyes radiate with determination and a righteous glow, as if pursuing the evil lurking in the darkness. The background is a city street engulfed in darkness, with dimly lit street lamps --ar 16:9 --s 750



  Varus, the Arrow of Retribution, clad in dark armor, wielding his corrupted bow and arrows. His eyes flicker with hatred and determination, as if pursuing his targets for revenge. The background is a desecrated temple, shrouded in shadows and darkness --ar 16:9 --s 750



  Urgot, the Dreadnought, his body covered in enhanced machinery, his mechanical arms armed with deadly weapons. His eyes glare with coldness and a will for destruction, as if searching for the next prey. The background is an abandoned industrial district, shrouded in smoke, with the echoes of machinery --ar 16:9 --s 750



  Twisted Fate, the Card Master, dressed in an elegant cloak, wielding his magical cards. His eyes twinkle with wit, as if plotting his next trick. The background is a bustling casino, with vibrant lights and playing cards swirling in the air --ar 16:9 --s 750

  扭曲命運Twisted Fate,穿着一件華麗的鬥篷,手持他的魔法牌。他的眼睛閃爍着機智的光芒,仿佛在策劃他的下一個把戲。背景是一座繁華的賭場,鮮豔的燈光和撲克牌在空中飛舞。


  Thresh, the Chain Warden, clad in a tattered cloak, wielding his massive chains. His eyes gleam with malevolence, as if pursuing his prey. The background is a grim and haunting prison, with ghostly souls flickering on the walls --ar 16:9 --s 750



  Inspired by Talon, the character from League of Legends,create an image that is filled with darkness, mystery, and a deadly aura. He is an assassin skilled in the arts of assassination and blade. The image can showcase his cold and ruthless gaze and agile movements, while depicting the presence of shadows and swirling black smoke. The background can depict an abandoned street, a nighttime city, or a sinister underground chamber --ar 16:9 --s 750




  In an ancient and majestic desert kingdom stands Azir, the character from League of Legends. He is a mysterious desert emperor, dressed in a magnificent golden robe and adorned with a regal crown. His eyes radiate a wise gleam, symbolizing his power of rule. In his hand, he tightly grips a shimmering sandglass staff, exuding the mysterious power of desert sands. The backdrop is a grand desert city, with towering palaces and peculiar structures, brimming with an ancient and enigmatic atmosphere. The overall image should be filled with the deserts sense of mystery and grandeur, showcasing Azirs regal presence. Pay special atte



  In a mystical urban landscape bathed in the glow of neon lights, stands a nimble and fierce warrior - Akali from League of Legends. She is adorned in her traditional assassin attire, radiating a sense of lethal elegance. Her outfit is a mix of modern street style and ancient ninja garb, complete with a mask that conceals part of her face. In her hands, she tightly grips her kama and kunai, her signature weapons, ready to strike at a moments notice. Her stance is dynamic and agile, showing her readiness for the ensuing battle. The backdrop is a combination of a modern cityscape with futuristic neon graffiti, highlighting her essence as a rogue

  在一個沐浴在霓虹燈下的神秘城市景觀中,站着一位敏捷而兇猛的戰士——來自英雄聯盟的阿卡麗。 她穿着傳統的刺客裝束,散發出緻命的優雅氣息。 她的裝束混合了現代街頭風格和古代忍者裝束,并配有遮住部分臉部的面具。 她的雙手緊緊握住自己的标志性武器——鐮刀和苦無,随時準備出擊。 她的姿态充滿活力和敏捷,表明她已經為接下來的戰鬥做好了準備。 背景是現代城市景觀與未來主義霓虹燈塗鴉的結合,突出了她作為流氓的本質


  In a mysterious and enchanting forest shines Annie, the small and adorable character from League of Legends. She is a young witch, dressed in a red dress and wearing a wide-brimmed hat. Her eyes shimmer with a peculiar shade of purple, revealing the mystical power within her. By her side, she is accompanied by her cute teddy bear, Tibbers, with brown fur and a charming smile. The backdrop is a mystical forest, teeming with fantastical creatures and an air of magic. The overall image should carry a fairytale-like atmosphere with a hint of mystery. Pay special attention to the details of Annies red dress, her eyes, and the adorable expression of Tibbers --ar 16:9 --s 750



  In a gloomy, ancient stone chamber sits Amumu, the small yet attention-grabbing character from League of Legends. His body is tightly wrapped in brown bandages, with only his two bright green eyes shimmering with a sorrowful light. His location is illuminated by a weak beam of light entering from above, creating a silhouette of him against the darkness. The backdrop is a pile of stelae and ancient statues, emphasizing his loneliness and forgetfulness in this world. The image should carry a melancholic and contemplative atmosphere, with a cool color scheme to express Amumus sense of solitude. Pay special attention to Amumus gaze and his posture, conveying his sorrow and loneliness --ar 16:9 --s 750



  In a bustling city street emerges the presence of Caitlyn, the character from League of Legends. She is a shrewd sheriff, dressed in elegant attire and a tall hat. Her gaze is sharp and focused, revealing her determination in law enforcement. In her hand, she wields a sophisticated sniper rifle, prepared to launch precise attacks against criminals. The backdrop is a vibrant cityscape, filled with towering buildings and bustling crowds. The overall image should be imbued with the busyness of the city and the essence of a sheriff, highlighting Caitlyns wit and vigilance. Pay special attention to the details of Caitlyns attire and sniper rifle, her gaze, and the urban elements in the background --ar 16:9 --s 750



  Veigar, the Evil Little Mastermind, dressed in black robes, wielding his magical staff. His eyes gleam with a dark light, as if plotting destructive magic. The background is a dark tower, shimmering with purple energy, brimming with sinister power --ar 16:9 --s 750



  Create a mysterious and majestic character Shen.the character from League of Legends,He is a martial arts master dressed in black ninja attire, wielding a sharp sword. He has a firm and composed gaze, exuding extraordinary wisdom and determination. His appearance emanates a sense of cosmic power, adorned with mystical rune tattoos. He is renowned for his silent movements and swift attacks, so pay special attention to his posture and air of mystery --ar 16:9 --s 750



  BELVETH, a nightmarish empress created from the raw material of an entire devoured city



  In a wasteland torn apart by war, a mighty and majestic warrior stands with unyielding determination. This is Aatrox in League of Legends. He is tall, muscular, and impressive. Impressive. He holds a huge dark sword that radiates terror and is his signature weapon. His image is demonic, with broad wings and eyes that glow red in the dark. He His skin is dark black, as if forged by the forces of darkness. He is facing the enemy, and his whole body exudes the breath of readiness for battle. The whole picture should be filled with the violence and chaos of war, but in it all, Aatrox stands tall. Be steadfast.

  The painting should show dramatic light, allowing the figure of Aatrox to stand out. The colors should be dark and blood red to emphasize Aatroxs demonic figure and the brutality of war. The painting should be rich in detail, including Aatroxs muscle textures, his dark sword, and the battlefield environment around him --ar 16:9 --s 750 --q 2 --v 5.1 --style raw



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