更新时间:2024-10-08 14:36:19

  初中英語語法第13季:第13季 句子成分,種類與結構



  1,My room is big and clean(名詞)

  2,This is all i want(代詞)

  3,Three is enough for each of us(數詞)

  4,The wounded were saved(名詞化形容詞)

  5,To become a nurse is my wish(不定式)

  6,Remembering so many new words is really hard(V-ing)

  7,What we cant get seems better than what we have(從句)



  ·what happened last night?I heard lots of noise

  ·My father often comes back late


  ·Jeff cant come to the party(情态動詞 動詞原形)

  ·Our school becomes more beautiful and more famous(連系動詞 表語)


  1,He turend doctor after school(名詞)

  2,You are many,but they are few(代詞)

  3,I’m eighteen.(數詞)

  4,He is very beautiful(形容詞)

  5,She is interested in the film/the film is not interesting(V-ed和V-ing)

  6,To see is to believe(不定式)

  7,Is anybody in?(副詞)

  8,My hometown is among mountains(介詞)

  9,It was because he didnt pass the exam(從句)


  1,you can leave your pet with me while traveling(名詞)

  2,How about you?(代詞)

  3,if you put 5 and 7 together,you’ll get 12.(數詞)

  4,We should help the poor(名詞化的形容詞)

  5,Remember to tell him to come/im thinking about when to start my new job(不定式/疑問詞 不定式)

  6,Please stop making noise(V-ing)

  7,Do you understand what I mean?(從句)


  1,We all find him funny(形容詞)

  2,Will you please invite all of them in?(副詞)

  3,He was once again found wandering along the city street(V-ing)



  ·They had a wonderful time yesterday(形容詞)

  ·Put some milk into this glass(代詞)

  ·She cut the cake into two pieces(數詞)

  ·this is a stone table and hard enough to hold the load of goods(名詞)

  ·Put the child into the sleeping bag(V-ing)


  ·I have got something interesting to tell everyone(形容詞)

  ·the buildings around were badly damaged in the fire(副詞)

  ·the books on the top shelf were just bought(介詞短語)

  ·Lets try another way to do this(不定式)


  Arriving there,remember to call me up(時間狀語)

  Dont step on the grass,for it is growing(地點狀語)

  He speaks Englihs very fast(方式狀語)

  We live to work not work to live(目的狀語)

  If it snows,we will build a snowman(條件狀語)

  Not knowing the road,I lost my way(原因狀語)


  1,We have two foreign teachers,a Canadian and an American(名詞)

  2,They each can get a chance to travel by air(代詞)

  3,Are you three ready to start out?(數詞)

  4,The news that we’re having a holiday tomorrow(從句)


  1,Well,I think its a good idea anyway(感歎詞)

  2,Look out,John!Theres a car running over!(稱呼語)

  3,This is the best chance,I think,that you can win(插入語)




  ·I know you will come whatever difficulty you might come across(正常語序)

  ·Here comes the bus full of children from the US!(倒裝語序)


  ·I am not good at Chinese(be動詞 not)

  ·I have not heard the latest news(助動詞 not)

  ·She cannot play the piano well(情态動詞 not)

  ·We dont go to school on Sundays(Do/does not)

  ·I have never been to China(表否定意義的詞no/never/seldom/hardly/nobody等)



  ·Are your parents doctors?(be 主語 表語...?)

  ·Did you enjoy yourself in our city?(助動詞 主語 謂語...?)

  ·Is her sister doing her homework now?(be 主語 實義動詞...?)

  ·Can you bring me some apples?(情态動詞 主語 謂語...?)

  答語:一般疑問句一般用yes或no來回答,也可以用其他表示肯定或否定的詞回答,如certainly,surely,of course,I think so,all right,certainly not,not at all,never,sorry,not yet,I’m afraid not等。


  ·Anything the matter?出了什麼問題嗎?

  ·In trouble?

  ·Want some coffee?

  ·Got any news?

  ·Need a hand?



  ·Could you come to tea on Sunday?--That’s very nice of you, but I’m afraid...

  回答否定句式的一般疑問句時,應根據事實情況作答并保持“yes 肯定句”和“no 否定句”的一緻,yes譯成“不”,no譯成“是”:

  ·Havent you been to England?--No,I havent是的,沒去過/Yes,I have不,我去過。


  基本結構:特殊疑問詞 be/助動詞/情态動詞( 主語) 其他?

  ·Where were you at that time?

  ·When did you arrive there?

  ·How can you do that?

  ·Which song do you like better?

  ·What does your father do?

  ·Who is that girl?

  ·What is flying in the sky?

  ·Whose bike is this?


  ·What is your brother doing?--Watering the flowers/He is watering the flowers


  ·Is your mother a teacher or a doctor?--She is a doctor

  ·Would you like chicken,beef or pork?--beef

  ·Do you go to school by bike or on foot---on foot


  ·This magazine is yours,isnt it?這本雜志是你的,不是嗎?

  ·Lucy often goes to the theatre,doesnt she?路西經常去看戲,不是嗎?

  ·He doesnt like his job,does he?他不喜歡他的工作,是嗎?

  ·He is not good at playing the violin,is she?他不擅長拉小提琴,是嗎?

  答語:不管反義疑問句前的陳述句是肯定還是否定,回答都要根據事實情況,保持“yes 肯定句”和“no 否定句”的一緻。陳述部分為否定形式,疑問部分為肯定形式的反義疑問句答語,yes譯作“不,no譯作”是“

  ·She can speak French,cant she?她會說法語,是不是?

  --Yes,she can是,她會/No,She cant不,她不會

  ·You didnt attend the conference,did you?你沒參加會議,是吧?

  --No,I didnt是的,我沒參加/Yes,I did不,我參加了

  陳述句的主語是不定代詞no one,none,nobody,everyone,someone,everybody,somebody等時,其附加問句的主語強調全部時可用they,強調個體時常用he。

  ·No one phoned me while I was out,did they?

  ·Everyone is having a good time,arent they?

  ·Someone is expecting you,isnt he?


  ·Everything goes well with you,doesnt it?

  ·Nothing has been considered about this meeting,has it?


  ·One cant be too careful,can one/you?我們必須十分小心,對吧?


  ·That was a hundred years ago,wasnt it?

  ·those are yours,arent they?

  陳述句為there be句型時,其後的附加問句仍用there:

  ·There will be a special exhibition tomorrow,won’t there?







You must send for a doctor immediately

mustnt you?好不好?

You mustnt walk on the grass

must you?知不知道?


We must have a discussion this evening

neednt we?是不是?


You must be very tired(對現在情況的推測)

arent you?是不是?

It must have rained last night(對過去情況的推測)

didnt it?是不是?

He must have studied English for many years(對已經完成情況的推測)

hasnt he?是不是?

陳述句中有情态動詞used to時,附加問句的動詞可用used也可用did

  ·She used to study in Russia,usednt/didnt she?

  陳述句中由had better時,附加問句用hadnt或shouldnt:

  ·Youd better remain calm when in danger,hadnt/shouldnt you?

  陳述句中由have to 時,附加問句的動詞不用have,而應與陳述句中的助動詞一緻:

  ·We have to get up at four tomorrow,dont we?

  ·You will have to wait for him,wont you?


  ·You have never read this book,have you?

  ·You dislike playing the piano,dont you?

  肯定祈使句後面的附加問句一般用will you或wont you:

  ·Leave all the things as they are,will you/wont you?

  以Lets開頭的祈使句後面的附加問句要用shall we;而以Let us/Let me開頭的祈使句後面的附加問句應用will you?

  ·Lets try another way,shall we?

  ·Let us/me have a try,will you?

  否定祈使句後面的附加問句除了用will you外,也可用can you:

  ·Dont make much noise,will you/can you?


  Bob speaks English,but his wife speaks German,doesnt she?

  陳述句如是一個主從複合句,附加問句一般要與主句一緻;如陳述部分是“im sure,im afraid,i dont think(suppose,expect,imagine,believe等) 賓語從句”結構時,附加問句應與從句一緻,單要主語陳述部分的否定轉移現象:

  ·He said that Mary was late for the lecture,didnt he?

  ·I’m sure that our experiment will succeed,won’t it?

  ·I dont think she can finish it on own,can she?



  ·Be sure to come on time請務必按時來

  ·Dont ever do that again!請不要再做那樣的事了!


  ·You,close the window!你,關上窗戶!

  ·Do be careful next time下次務必小心


  ·Let me tell you the answer if you cant work it out

  ·Let’s have a rest

  ·Dont let anyone disturb you

  ·Let the children not make much noise


  ·No entry禁止入内

  ·No parking禁止停車

  ·No smoking禁止吸煙

  ·Out with it!說出來吧!

  ·Beg your pardon請原諒



  ·How beautiful a place it is多漂亮的地方啊!

  ·How surprising it is that you should not know what has happend

  ·How much I wish to join the football club!

  ·How you are working!你工作真賣力!

  2,what 引導的感歎句:

  ·What a beautiful place it is!

  ·What interesting books youve bought us!

  ·What great fun surfing on the Internet is!


  ·What good news it is!✔ How good news it is❌

  ·What great changes we have had these years ✔ How great changes we have had...❌

  陳述句中有情态動詞used to時,附加問句的動詞可用used也可用did

  ·She used to study in Russia,usednt/didnt she?

  陳述句中由had better時,附加問句用hadnt或shouldnt:

  ·Youd better remain calm when in danger,hadnt/shouldnt you?

  陳述句中由have to 時,附加問句的動詞不用have,而應與陳述句中的助動詞一緻:

  ·We have to get up at four tomorrow,dont we?

  ·You will have to wait for him,wont you?


  ·You have never read this book,have you?

  ·You dislike playing the piano,dont you?

  肯定祈使句後面的附加問句一般用will you或wont you:

  ·Leave all the things as they are,will you/wont you?

  以Lets開頭的祈使句後面的附加問句要用shall we;而以Let us/Let me開頭的祈使句後面的附加問句應用will you?

  ·Lets try another way,shall we?

  ·Let us/me have a try,will you?

  否定祈使句後面的附加問句除了用will you外,也可用can you:

  ·Dont make much noise,will you/can you?


  Bob speaks English,but his wife speaks German,doesnt she?

  陳述句如是一個主從複合句,附加問句一般要與主句一緻;如陳述部分是“im sure,im afraid,i dont think(suppose,expect,imagine,believe等) 賓語從句”結構時,附加問句應與從句一緻,單要主語陳述部分的否定轉移現象:

  ·He said that Mary was late for the lecture,didnt he?

  ·I’m sure that our experiment will succeed,won’t it?

  ·I dont think she can finish it on own,can she?



  ·Be sure to come on time請務必按時來

  ·Dont ever do that again!請不要再做那樣的事了!


  ·You,close the window!你,關上窗戶!

  ·Do be careful next time下次務必小心


  ·Let me tell you the answer if you cant work it out

  ·Let’s have a rest

  ·Dont let anyone disturb you

  ·Let the children not make much noise


  ·No entry禁止入内

  ·No parking禁止停車

  ·No smoking禁止吸煙

  ·Out with it!說出來吧!

  ·Beg your pardon請原諒



  ·How beautiful a place it is多漂亮的地方啊!

  ·How surprising it is that you should not know what has happend

  ·How much I wish to join the football club!

  ·How you are working!你工作真賣力!

  2,what 引導的感歎句:

  ·What a beautiful place it is!

  ·What interesting books youve bought us!

  ·What great fun surfing on the Internet is!


  ·What good news it is!✔ How good news it is❌

  ·What great changes we have had these years ✔ How great changes we have had...❌


  ·They are so hard-working!(陳述句表示感情時,句尾用感歎号)

  ·Am I happy to see you right here!(疑問句表感情時,句尾用感歎号)

  ·Stop talking!(祈使句)

  ·Ah,thats what I need!(句首有感歎詞的句子)

  ·Hurrah!好哇/ Good idea!好主意/For shame!真羞愧!(感歎詞和短語本身)




  1,主語 謂語...(S V...)

  ·Birds fly

  ·Birds fly high in the sky

  ·The birds are flying over the river

  ·He sits in the back row

  2,主語 謂語 賓語(S V O)

  ·My father studies history

  ·I put the newspapers on the table

  ·Everybody made fun of him

  ·She only wants one

  3,主語 連系動詞 表語(S V P)

  ·Tom is very happy today

  ·It was hard to stay awake

  ·The cloth feels soft

  · He seems sad

  ·The weather is becoming warmer

  ·Theyve just got married

  ·The poor old man went mad

  ·He fell ill

  4,主語 謂語 間接賓語 直接賓語(S V Oi Od)

  ·His hobby has brought him enjoyment

  ·Will you please pass me the book on the desk?

  ·I’ll find you a good chance

  ·My parents bought me a nice Christmas present

  ·Will you sing us a song?

  5,主語 謂語 賓語 賓語補足語(S V O C...)

  ·I dont want you to work too hard

  ·We all call the baby Sara

  ·Will you ask Mary to help us?

  ·I can hear someone playing the violin next door

  ·Nobody noticed the office broken into

  ·He showed the guests in


  ·Tom is not only a good basketball player,but also(he is)a good football player

  ·He didnt come yesterday,for he was ill

  ·Nancy is a secretary and she works in an office

  ·Julie must work hard,or she cannot go to the famous Harvard University


  ·It is a fine day and I want to go to the park

  ·When will you arrive and what do you want to do here?

  ·Take your bag away and go out right now

  ·What a clever boy he is and how handsome he is!


  ·What a fine day today and I am very happy


  ·What he did made his mother angry(主語從句)

  ·Parents shouldnt give their children whatever they want(賓語從句)

  ·This is because you are too careless(表語從句)

  ·A doctor is a person who looks after peoples health(定語從句)

  ·Check all your answers before you turn in your papers(狀語從句)



  ·Tom is too young to go to school = Tom is very young and he cant go to school(簡轉并:簡單句的某個短語變并列句的分句)

  ·She got up very early to meet her parents at the station = She wanted to meet her parents at the station,so she got up very early(簡轉并:簡單句的某個短語變并列句的分句)

  ·The football match has to be delayed,for it is raining heavily = The football match has to be delayed because of the heavy rain(并轉簡:并列句種的分句變成簡單句中的短語)

  ·He wanted to become a college student,so she studied hard = He studied hard so as to become a college student/To become a college student,He studied hard(并轉簡:并列句種的分句變成簡單句中的短語)


  ·I have to study harder,or I shall not catch up with my classmates = I have to study harder in order that I can catch up with my classmates / If I dont study harder,I shall not catch up with my classmates(并轉複:分句轉從句,并列連詞轉從屬連詞)

  ·Though he is very young,he knows a lot about science = He is very young,but he knows a lot about science(複轉并:從句變分句)

  ·If we dont start off early,well be late for the first bus = Start off early,or well be late for the first bus(複轉并:從句變分句)



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