Christmas Tree
A real(or artificial) pine tree set up and decorated with lights and ornaments as a part of Christmas celebrations.
用彩燈和裝飾物裝飾的真正的(或人造的)松樹 是慶祝聖誕節的一部分
Angel tree toppers are traditionally placed at the top of Christmas trees, as part of a Christian tradition,
把天使娃娃放在聖誕樹的頂端 是傳統裝飾聖誕樹的一種方式
however another common tree topper is a star, which has less religious vinculage.
然而 另一種常見的樹頂裝飾物是星星 它的宗教色彩較少
Without context, a stocking normally refers to a tight-fitted piece of clothing that covers the feet and legs,
如果沒有語境的話 長筒襪通常指的是能遮住腳和腿的緊身衣物
made of light material, and usually worn by women.
是由輕便的材料做成的 通常是女士們在穿
However, a Christmas stocking looks like a large sock, and is traditionally hung on Christmas Eve(the day before Christmas).
然而 聖誕襪看起來體形會更大 傳統做法是會在平安夜(聖誕節前一天)被挂起來
Santa Claus fills it with candy and small gifts.
Structure built into the wall of a house for a fire to burn in.
建在房子牆壁上 供火燃燒的一個構造
Fireplaces are common in houses in the United States in regions where it snows in the winter.
在美國冬天下雪的地區 壁爐在房屋中很常見
Santa Claus
The legendary figure of Christmas originating in Western culture,
who is said to bring gifts to the homes of well-behaved children at night on Christmas Eve(Dec.24th),
and in the USA, in the early morning hours of Christmas Day(Dec.25th),
在美國 聖誕節那天的早些時候
Santa Claus is generally depicted as a jolly(happy), overweight old man,
聖誕老人通常被描繪成一個快樂 體形肥胖的老人
wearing red pants and a coat with white fur collar and cuffs, a red hat also with white fur, black leather belt and boots, and carrying a bag full of gifts for children.
穿着紅色的褲子 帶有白色毛皮領子和袖口的外套 帶有白色毛皮的紅色帽子 黑色的皮帶和靴子 并帶有一個袋子裡面裝的都是為孩子們準備的禮物
The legend of Santa Claus is known to have its origins in Saint Nicholas(or Saint Nick), who is a figure revered by many Christians,
衆所周知 聖誕老人的傳說起源于聖尼古拉斯(或聖尼克) 他是一個受許多基督徒尊敬的人物
and that actually served as inspiration for the creation of the Christmas character Santa Claus because of this reputation for leaving secret gifts.
這實際上是創造聖誕老人這個人物的靈感來源 因為人們都知道 聖誕老人會留下秘密的禮物
Santa, Kris Kringle, and Father Christmas are other ways to call Santa Claus.
Santa,Kris Kringle和Father Christmas也可以表示聖誕老人
Also, pay attention to how the T in his name(Santa) is often silent.
注意 字母T在Santa這個單詞裡是不發音的
This is because in American English when there is an NT in the middle of a word we often only pronounce the N.
在美式英語中 當單詞中間出現NT時 我們一般隻發N的音 T是不發音的
Christmas Day
The annual holiday celebrating Christs birth is held on December 25th in the USA.
每年12月25日 是美國慶祝耶稣誕生的節日
Many homes have Christmas trees and other decorations in the weeks leading to Christmas Day.
在聖誕節的前幾周 許多家庭都會裝飾聖誕樹和其他裝飾品
Activities include exchanging presents, singing Christmas songs, having a special lunch or dinner and going to parties.
活動包括交換禮物 唱聖誕歌 吃特别的午餐或晚餐和參加聚會
Its a time is especially remembered by children, who are told to receive presents from Santa Claus(normally given by their family).
這是一個孩子們特别記得的時刻 他們被告知要接受聖誕老人的禮物(通常是他們的家人送的)
Did you know that Christmas can also be seen written as Xmas?
Because the USA is in the Northern Hemisphere, and most parts of it are cold in December,
因為美國在北半球 大部分地區在12月都很冷
snow and cold weather are very strong symbols of Christmas.
So much so that many Americans do not feel like it is Christmas if the ground is not white, covered in snow, as we hear in songs like White Christmas.
如果地面不是白色的并且覆蓋着雪 很多美國人都不覺得這是聖誕節 就像我們在歌曲《白色聖誕節》中聽到的那樣
In winter, it is also common to use the expression Let it snow,
在冬天 很經常聽到一個短語表達let it snow
referring to an indifferent or even positive attitude towards snowy weather.
In my state, Colorado, we say it a lot because many of us ski and more snow means better conditions for the sport.
在我的國家 科羅拉多州 我們經常這麼說 因為我們很多人都滑雪 更多的雪對滑雪的人來說 意味着有了更好的條件
A plant that grows on the branches of some trees. Mistletoe is used in the United States as a Christmas decoration.
一種長在樹枝上的植物 槲寄生在美國被用作聖誕裝飾
There is a tradition that if two people are standing together under mistletoe, they have to kiss each other (so you will hear this in romantic Christmas songs, movies, etc.)
有一個傳統 如果兩個人一起站在槲寄生下 他們必須互相親吻(所以你會在浪漫的聖誕歌曲、電影等中聽到這個單詞)
Santas list
Santa Claus is said to have a naughty or nice list with the names of all the children in the world.
據說聖誕老人有一個淘氣孩子或乖孩子的名單 上面有世界上所有孩子的名字
This tells him whether each child was naughty, that is, behaved badly, or nice, behaved well.
這可以幫他區分哪些小孩表現好 哪些小孩表現不好
Nice children receive presents, while naughty children receive a lump of coal in their stocking.
好孩子會收到禮物 調皮的孩子隻會在襪子裡收到一塊煤
Quality that defines something that is cheerful and full of great, festive joy.
merry表示愉快的 表達某事充滿了節日的喜悅
Its commonly associated with Christmas for the expression used for wishing people a Merry Christmas.
它通常與聖誕節聯系在一起 表示祝願人們聖誕快樂
In the United Kingdom, you might also hear people say Happy Christmas.
在英國 你可能會聽到Happy Christmas這個說法
Make a List
Its normal for children to write a wish list containing all the presents theyd like to get for Christmas.
孩子們通常會寫一張願望清單 上面列有他們想要的所有聖誕禮物
They give this list to their parents, who send it to the North Pole for Santa Claus.
他們會把這張清單給他們的父母 讓他們寄去北極給聖誕老人(傳說聖誕老人住在北極)
Christmas cards and letters
Letters sent to relatives and friends around Christmas, typically included with a Christmas card,
聖誕信是給親朋好友寫的 裡面通常會附帶着一張賀卡
in which the writer wishes the recipient a Merry Christmas and shares some personal details about the years events for themselves and/or their family.
在信中 筆者會祝收信人聖誕快樂 并為他們自己和/或他們的家人分享一些關于這一年發生的事的細節
It is common to have a special Christmas picture taken with the family to put on this card.
Children might also send a letter to the North Pole with their Christmas list for Santa.
孩子們也可以寄一封信到北極 裡面放上他們的心願單