更新时间:2024-10-12 00:19:57



  Saying what a text is about 如何描述文章的内容 英文用法:The book is about homeless people in the cities.


  英文用法:The report deals withthe issue of homelessness in London.


  英文用法:The writer discusses the problems faced by homeless people.


  英文用法:The article presents an overview ofthe issues surrounding homelessness.


  英文用法:The novel explores the theme of friendship among homeless people.


  Describing the effect of something 描述某事的影響 英文用法: One consequence of changes in diet over recent years has been a dramatic increase in cases of childhood obesity.


  英文用法: Many parents today do not have time to cook healthy meals for their children. Consequently/As a consequence, many children grow up eating too much junk food.


  英文用法: Many children spend their free time watching TV instead of playing outside. As a result, more and more of them are becoming overweight.


  英文用法: Last year junk food was banned in schools. The effect of this has been to create a black market in the playground, with pupils bringing sweets from home to sell to other pupils.


  Defining terms 為術語下定義 英文用法:It is important to clarify what is meant by climate change.


  英文用法:Climate change can/may be defined as ‘the long-term fluctuations in temperature, precipitation, wind and other aspects of the earth's climate’.


  英文用法:A generally accepted definition of global warming is the gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth's atmosphere due to the greenhouse effect.


  英文用法:The greenhouse effect is defined by the author as the process by which heat from the sun is trapped in the earth's atmosphere, causing the temperature of the earth to rise.


  英文用法:The author uses the term climate change to refer to any significant change in measures of climate lasting for an extended period.


  英文用法:The term ‘carbon footprint’ refers to the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere as a result of the activities of an individual or organization.


  英文用法:Scientists suggest that increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will result in an increase in global temperatures, and the term ‘global warming’ is used to describe this phenomenon.


  Giving examples 舉例 英文用法:The website has a variety of interactive exercises (e.g. matching games, crosswords and quizzes).


  英文用法:The website has a variety of interactive exercises, including matching games, crosswords and quizzes.


  英文用法:Web 2.0 technologies, such as wikis, blogs and social networking sites, have changed the way that people use the Internet.

  中文翻譯: Web 2.0 技術,比如維基、博客及社交網站,改變了人們使用互聯網的方式。

  英文用法:Many websites now allow users to contribute information. A good example of this is the ‘wiki’, a type of website that anyone can edit.


  英文用法:Wikis vary in how open they are. For example, some wikis allow anybody to edit content, while others only allow registered users to do this.


  英文用法:Wikis vary in how open they are. Some wikis, for example/for instance, allow anybody to edit content, while others only allow registered users to do this.


  英文用法:More and more people read their news on the Internet. To take one example, over 14 million people now read the online version of ‘The Oxford Herald’.

  中文翻譯:越來越多的人在網上閱讀新聞。舉個例子來說,現在有超過 1 400 萬人閱讀《牛津先驅報》的網絡版本。

  英文用法:Online newspapers are now more popular than paper ones. ‘The Oxford Herald’ is a case in point. Its print circulation has fallen in recent years, while its website attracts millions of users every month.


  Highlighting an important point 強調重點 英文用法:This case emphasizes/highlights the importance of honest communication between managers and employees.


  英文用法:Effective communication skills are essential/crucial/vital.


  英文用法:It should be noted that this study considers only verbal communication. Non-verbal communication is not dealt with here.


  英文用法:It is important to remember that/An important point to rememberis that non-verbal communication plays a key role in getting your message across.


  英文用法:Communication is not only about the words you use but also your body language and, especially/above all, the effectiveness with which you listen.


  英文用法:I would like to draw attention to the role of listening in effective communication.


  英文用法:Choose your words carefully: in particular, avoid confusing and ambiguous language.


  英文用法:Finally, and perhaps most importantly, you must learn to listen as well as to speak.


  Giving proof 提供證據 英文用法:There is clear evidence that TV advertising influences what children buy.


  英文用法:It is clear from numerous studies that TV advertising influences what children buy.


  英文用法:Recent research demonstrates that TV advertising influences children's spending habits.


  英文用法:Many parents think that TV advertising influences their children. This viewis supported by the findings of a recent study, which show a clear link between television advertisements and children's spending habits.


  英文用法:The findings also reveal that most children are unaware of the persuasive purpose of advertising.


  英文用法:There is little evidence that children understand the persuasive intent of advertising.


  英文用法:The results contradict claims that advertising is unrelated to children's spending habits.


  英文用法:Manufacturers argue that it is difficult to prove that advertising alone influences what children buy.


  Making an exception 說明例外的情況 英文用法:She wrote all of the songs on the album except for the final track.


  英文用法:Apart from/aside from the final track, all of the songs on the album were written by her.


  英文用法:The songwriting— with a few minor exceptions —is of a very high quality.


  英文用法:With only one or two exceptions, the songwriting is of a very high quality.


  英文用法:The majority of the compositions are less than three minutes long, with the notable exception of the title track.


  英文用法:With the exception of the title track, this album is a huge disappointment.


  英文用法:Here is a list of all the band's CDs, excluding unofficial ‘bootleg’ recordings.

  中文翻譯:這是這個樂隊所有 CD 的清單,不包括未經批準非法錄制的作品。

  Discussing predictions 談論預測 英文用法:The number of people using mobile phones to purchase goods and services is expected/likely to more than double by the end of 2015.

  中文翻譯:到 2015 年底,使用手機購買商品和服務的人數預計/可能會是現在的兩倍多。

  英文用法:Experts have predicted/forecast that the number of people using their mobile phones to pay for goods and services should exceed 190 million in 2015.

  中文翻譯:專家已經預言,到 2015 年使用手機支付商品和服務費用的人數将超過 1.9 億。

  英文用法:This figure is set to reach 200 million by 2016.

  中文翻譯:到 2016 年這個數字可能會達到 2 億。

  英文用法:By 2015, 800 million mobile phone users worldwide will be participating in social networks via their phone.

  中文翻譯:到 2015 年,全球将有 8 億手機用戶通過手機參與社交網絡。

  英文用法:Sales of mobile phones in 2009 were lower than expected.

  中文翻譯: 2009 年的手機銷量低于預期。

  英文用法:The company's announcement of 1.26 billion handsets sold for the year isin line with predictions.

  中文翻譯:公司宣布本年度手機銷量為 12.6 億部,符合預期。

  Describing a decrease 描述下降 英文用法: Car crime in Oxford fell significantly last year.

  中文翻譯: 去年牛津的汽車犯罪顯著下降。

  英文用法: Car crime fell by about a quarter over a 12-month period.

  中文翻譯: 12 個月内汽車犯罪下降了約四分之一。

  英文用法: The number of stolen vehicles dropped from 1 013 to 780, a fall of 26 percent.

  中文翻譯: 被盜汽車數量從 1 013 輛減少到 780 輛,下降了 26%。

  英文用法: According to this data, 780 vehicles were stolen, 26% down on the previous year.

  中文翻譯:根據這份數據,780 輛車被盜,比去年下降了 26%。

  英文用法: There was an 11% drop in reported thefts from motor vehicles, from 1 871 to 1 737.

  中文翻譯:機動車财物盜竊案件數量下降了 11%,從 1 871 下降到 1 737。

  英文用法: These figures show that, as far as car crime is cOncerned, the main trend is downwards.


  Ordering your points 梳理要點 英文用法: This study has the following aims: first, to investigate how international students in the UK use humour; second, to examine how jokes can help to establish social relationships; and, third, to explore the role that humour plays in helping overseas students adjust to life in the UK.


  英文用法: Let us begin by identifying some of the popular joke genres in the UK.


  英文用法: Next, let us turn to/Next, let us consider the question of gender differences in the use of humour.


  英文用法: Finally/Lastly, let us briefly examine the role of humour in defining a nation's culture.


  Ways of saying ‘in general’ “通常”的表達方式 英文用法:Women generally earn less than men.


  英文用法:Generally speaking, jobs traditionally done by women are paid at a lower rate than those traditionally done by men.


  英文用法:In general/By and large, women do not earn as much as men.


  英文用法:Certain jobs, like nursing and cleaning, are Still mainly carried out by women.


  英文用法:Senior management posts are predominantly held by men.


  英文用法:Most senior management posts tend to be held by men.


  英文用法:Women are, for the most part, still paid less than men.


  英文用法:Economic and social factors are, to a large extent, responsible for women being concentrated in low-paid jobs.


  Ways of saying ‘but’ “但是”的表達方式 英文用法:Politicians have promised to improve road safety. So far, however, little has been achieved.


  英文用法:Despite clear evidence from road safety studies, no new measures have been introduced.


  英文用法:Politicians have promised to improve road safety. In spite of this/Despite this, little has been achieved so far.


  英文用法:Although politicians have promised to improve road safety, little has been achieved so far.


  英文用法:Some politicians claim that the new transport policy has been a success.In fact, it has been a total disaster.


  英文用法:Government campaigns have had a measure of success, but the fact remains that large numbers of accidents are still caused by careless drivers.


  Referring to a chart, graph or table 描述圖或表 英文用法:This bar chart illustrates how many journeys people made on public transport over a three-month period.


  英文用法:This table compares bus, train, and taxi use between April and June.


  英文用法:The results are shown in the chart below.


  英文用法:In this pie chart, the survey results are broken down by age.


  英文用法:This pie chart breaks down the survey results by age.


  英文用法:As can be seen from these results, younger people use buses more than older people.


  英文用法:According to these figures, bus travel accounts for 60% of public transport use.

  中文翻譯:從這些數字看,乘坐公交車出行占公共交通使用率的 60%。

  英文用法:From the data in the above graph, it is apparent that buses are the most widely used form of public transport.


  Giving opinions using impersonal language 用客觀的語言發表意見 英文用法:It is vital that more is done to prevent the illegal trade in wild animals.

  中文翻譯:應進一步阻止非法買賣野生動物的行為,這一點至關重要。(Compare 比較:)

  英文用法:We have to do more to stop people trading wild animals illegally.


  英文用法:It is clear that more needs to be done to protect biodiversity.

  中文翻譯:顯然,應進一步保護生物多樣性。(Compare 比較:)

  英文用法:We clearly need to do more to protect biodiversity.


  英文用法:It is unfortunate that the practice of keeping monkeys as pets still continues.

  中文翻譯:不幸的是,将猴子當寵物飼養的做法仍在持續。(Compare 比較:)

  英文用法:It's absolutely terrible that people still keep monkeys as pets.


  英文用法:It is difficult for many people to understand the reasons why certain individuals choose to hunt animals for sport.

  中文翻譯:許多人都難以理解為什麼有些人選擇捕獵作為消遣。(Compare 比較:)

  英文用法:I can't understand why anyone would want to kill animals for fun.


  英文用法:Unfortunately, it would seem that not enough is being done to support tiger conservation.

  中文翻譯:遺憾的是,在保護老虎方面給予的支持似乎還不夠。(Compare 比較:)

  英文用法:Governments aren't doing enough to help tiger conservation.


  英文用法:There is no doubt that the greatest threat to polar bears comes from global warming.

  中文翻譯:毫無疑問,對北極熊的最大威脅是全球變暖。(Compare 比較:)

  英文用法:I believe that the greatest threat…


  Describing an increase 描述增長 英文用法:Student numbers in English language schools in this country increasedfrom 66 000 in 2008 to just over 84 000 in 2009.

  中文翻譯:這個國家英語語言學校的學生人數從 2008 年的 66 000 增長到 2009 年的84 000 多一點。

  英文用法:The number of students increased by almost 30% compared with the previous year.

  中文翻譯:學生人數與去年相比增長了近 30%。

  英文用法:Student numbers shot up/increased dramatically in 2009.

  中文翻譯:學生人數在 2009 年急劇增長。

  英文用法:The proportion of Spanish students rose sharply from 5% in 2008 to 14% in 2009.

  中文翻譯:西班牙學生所占比例從 2008 年的 5% 猛增到 2009 年的 14%。

  英文用法:There was a significant rise in student numbers in 2009.

  中文翻譯:學生人數在 2009 年大幅上升。

  英文用法:The 2009 figure was 84 000, an increase of 28% on the previous year.

  中文翻譯: 2009 年的數據是 84 000,比前一年增長了 28%。

  英文用法:The 2009 figure was 84 000, 28 per cent up on the previous year.

  中文翻譯: 2009 年的數據是 84 000,比前一年上升了 28%。

  英文用法:As the chart shows, this can partly be explained by a dramatic increasein students from Spain.


  Conceding a point and making acounter-argument 承認一個觀點的正确性,并提出一個對立的觀點 英文用法:While the film is undoubtedly too long, it is nevertheless an intriguing piece of cinema.


  英文用法:It can be argued that the movie is too long. It is nonetheless an intriguing piece of cinema.


  英文用法:The film is undoubtedly too long. Still, it is an intriguing piece ofcinema.


  英文用法:Of course, huge chunks of the book have been sacrificed in order to make a two-hourmovie, but it is nevertheless a successful piece of storytelling.


  英文用法:Critics are wrong to argue that the film's plot is too complicated. Certainlythere are a couple of major twists, but audiences will have no difficulty following them.


  英文用法:It is true that you cannot make a good movie without a good , but it is equally true that a talented director can make a good into an excellent film.


  英文用法:It remains to be seen whether these two movies herald a new era of westerns,but there is no doubt that they represent welcome additions to the genre.


  Making an opinion sound lessdefinite 以不确定的語氣表達意見 英文用法:Most cybercrime involves traditional crimes, such as theft and fraud, being committed in new ways. Phishing is perhaps/possibly/probably the best-known example of this.


  英文用法:It seems/appears that the more personal data which organizations collect, the more opportunity there is for this data to be lost or stolen.


  英文用法:It seems clear that introducing national ID cards would do little to prevent identity theft.


  英文用法:It could be argued that the introduction of national ID cards might actually make identity theft easier.


  英文用法:It is possible that/It may be that the only way to protect ourselves against DNA identity theft is to avoid the creation of national DNA databases.

  中文翻譯:或許保護自己免遭 DNA 身分盜用的唯一途徑就是不要建立全國DNA 數據庫。

  Describing a process 描述過程 英文用法:This diagram illustrates the process of paper-making. / This diagram shows how paper is made.


  英文用法:First/First of all, logs are delivered to a paper mill, where the barkis removed and the wood is cut into small chips.


  英文用法:Next/Second, the wood chips are pulped, either using chemicals or in a pulping machine.


  英文用法:Pulping breaks down the internal structure of the wood and enables/allows the natural oils to be removed.


  英文用法:Once/After the wood has been pulped, the pulp is bleached in order toremove impurities. /…is bleached so that impurities can be removed.


  英文用法:The next stage is to feed the pulp into the paper machine, where it is mixed with water and then poured onto a wire conveyor belt.


  英文用法:As the pulp travels along the conveyor belt, the water drains away. This causesthe solid material to sink to the bottom, forming a layer of paper.


  英文用法:At this point the new paper is still wet, so it is passed between large heated rollers, which press out the remaining water and simultaneously dry the paper. /…dry the paper at the same time.


  英文用法:The final stage is to wind the paper onto large rolls. /Finally, the paper is wound onto large rolls.


  Making comparisons 進行比較 英文用法:This chart provides a comparison of the ways that teenage boys and girls in the UK spend their free time.


  英文用法:In many cases, the results for boys and girls are virtually the Same/identical.


  英文用法:In many cases, the results for boys are virtually the same as/identical tothe results for girls.


  英文用法:Both boys and girls spend the bulk of their free time with friends.


  英文用法:Most of the boys do more than two hours of sport a week, as do many of the girls.


  英文用法:Like many of the girls, most of the boys spend a large part of their free time using the Internet.


  英文用法:The girls particularly enjoy using social networking websites. Similarly,nearly all the boys said they spent at least two to three hours a week on these sites.


  Highlighting interesting data 強調有趣的數據 英文用法:What is surprising about these results is that boys are more likely to be left-handed than girls.


  英文用法:Surprisingly, boys are more likely to be left-handed than girls.


  英文用法:Interestingly, even when both parents are left-handed, there is still only a 26% chance of their children being left-handed.

  中文翻譯:有趣的是即使父母都是左撇子,他們的孩子也隻有 26% 的機率是左撇子。

  英文用法:One of the most interesting findings is that only 2% of the left-handers surveyed have two left-handed parents.

  中文翻譯:研究結果其中最有趣一點是在受調查的左撇子中隻有 2% 的人父母都是左撇子。

  英文用法:It is interesting to note that people are more likely to be left-handed if their mother is left-handed than if their father is.


  英文用法:The most striking feature of these results is that left-handed mothers are more likely to have left-handed children.


  Ways of saying ‘For this reason…’“因此”的種種表達方法 英文用法:Today's children eat more junk food and get less exercise than previous generations of children. It is not surprising, therefore, that rates of childhood obesity are on the increase.


  英文用法:Children who grow up on a diet of junk food find it difficult to change this habit later in life. It is essential, therefore, that parents encourage healthy eating from an early age.


  英文用法:Children who grow up on a diet of junk food find it difficult to change this habit later in life. For this reason, /This is why it is essential that children eat healthily from an early age.


  英文用法:Eating habits formed in childhood tend to continue into adult life. Thus,the best way to prevent heart disease among adults is to encourage healthy eating from an early age.


  英文用法:Eating habits formed in childhood tend to continue into adult life, hencethe importance of encouraging healthy eating from an early age.


  Saying that something isnecessary 表達某事是必要的 英文用法:It is vital that journalists can verify the accuracy of their reports.


  英文用法:Journalists play a vital/crucial role in educating the public.


  英文用法:Public trust is a crucial issue for all news organizations.


  英文用法:The ability to write well is essential for any journalist.


  英文用法:The Internet has become an indispensable tool for reporters.


  英文用法:In journalism, accuracy is paramount. / …is of paramount importance.


  英文用法:It is imperative that journalists maintain the highest possible standards of reporting.



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