一起學一個經典口語?3821[綠帽子]你可以流利的說英語嗎?Can you speak English fluently ? 3822[綠帽子]你去哪裡度假呢?Where did you go on vacation ? 3823[綠帽子]你在那幹什麼?What did you do there ? 3824[綠帽子]樂意效勞Glad to help ! 3825[綠帽子]你應該練習說英語You should practice speaking English ! 3826[綠帽子]我的一個朋友住在歐洲One of my friend lives in Europe ! 3827 [綠帽子]打個盹兒Take a nap ! 3828[綠帽子]下午我要小睡一會兒I'm gonna take a nap this afternoon ! 3829[綠帽子]晚飯想吃什麼?What would you like for dinner ? 3830[綠帽子]我都準備好了I'm all set !,接下來我們就來聊聊關于一起學一個經典口語?以下内容大家不妨參考一二希望能幫到您!

3821[綠帽子]你可以流利的說英語嗎?Can you speak English fluently ? 3822[綠帽子]你去哪裡度假呢?Where did you go on vacation ? 3823[綠帽子]你在那幹什麼?What did you do there ? 3824[綠帽子]樂意效勞!Glad to help ! 3825[綠帽子]你應該練習說英語!You should practice speaking English ! 3826[綠帽子]我的一個朋友住在歐洲!One of my friend lives in Europe ! 3827 [綠帽子]打個盹兒!Take a nap ! 3828[綠帽子]下午我要小睡一會兒!I'm gonna take a nap this afternoon ! 3829[綠帽子]晚飯想吃什麼?What would you like for dinner ? 3830[綠帽子]我都準備好了!I'm all set !