What Can Be The Best Valentine's Day Gift?最好的情人節禮物是什麼?
獲得190.3k好評的回答@ Anonymous:
I'd like to believe my gift is the best :) 我相信我的禮物是最棒的
It took slightly more than an hour to make and didn't cost me anything! 這份禮物隻花費了我一個小時多一點的時間,幾乎沒有其他花費.
I must admit the inspiration came from Valentine's Day Ideas (the first three cards). The rest of it is my own. Hope she likes it :) 我承認前三張卡片抄襲自網上的“情人節創意”,但剩下的那些都是我的原創,希望女朋友會喜歡。(都是同音異意詞的梗)
You are the queen of my heart.你是我心中的王後——你是我的紅心王後
You are the perfect match for me.你跟我是天生一對——你是我的完美的火柴
Because you light up my life.因為你點亮了我的生活。
So be the key to my lock.所以,來打開我的心房吧。
Because you paint my dreams.因為你為我的夢境帶來色彩。
You charge me up.你帶給我動力——你給我充電。
Brush aside my fears.将我的恐懼一掃而空。
I hope you stick with me forever.我希望你永遠和我待在一起。
Go out with me on [w=date]dates.跟我出去約會——跟我一起踩着棗子出去。