更新时间:2025-02-05 14:07:45



  《新概念英語》第一冊 Lesson 8


  Lesson 8 New words and expressions

  1.policeman [pəli:smən] n.警察

  2.policewoman [pəli:s,wumən] n.女警察

  3.taxi driver 出租汽車司機

  4.air hostess 空中小姐

  5.postman [pəustmən] n.郵遞員

  6.nurse [nə:s] n.護士

  7.mechanic [mikænik] n.機械師

  8.hairdresser [heəˌdresə] n.理發師

  9.housewife [hauswaif] n.家庭婦女

  10.milkman [milkmən] n.送牛奶的人

  《新概念英語》第一冊Lesson 8 課文原文


  What’s your job? 你是做什麼工作的?

  A: Look at number 11, what’s his job? Is he a policeman or a taxi driver?

  B: He isn’t a taxi driver. He’s a policeman.

  A: Look at number 12, what’s her job? Is she a policewoman or an air hostess?

  B: She isn’t an air hostess. She’s a policewoman.

  A: Look at number 13, what’s his job? Is he a taxi driver or a policeman?

  B: He isn’t a policeman. He’s a taxi driver.

  A: Look at number 14, what’s her job? Is she an air hostess or a policewoman?

  B: She isn’t a policewoman . She’s an air hostess.

  A: Look at number 15, what’s his job? Is he a postman or a mechanic?

  B: He isn’t a mechanic. He’s a postman.

  A: Look at number 16, what’s her job? Is she a nurse or a housewife?

  B: She isn’t a housewife. She’s a nurse.

  A: Look at number 17, what’s his job? Is he a mechanic or a hairdresser?

  B: He isn’t a hairdress. He’s a mechanic.

  A: Look at number 18, what’s his job? Is he a hairdresser or a mechanic?

  B: He isn’t a mechanic. He’s a hairdresser.

  A: Look at number 19, what’s her job? Is she a housewife or a nurse?

  B: She isn’t a nurse. She’s a housewife.

  A: Look at number 20, what’s his job? Is he a milkman or a postman?

  B: He isn’t a postman. He’s a milkman.


  Lesson 8 New words and expressions 1.policeman [pəli:smən] n.警察

  policeman male member of a police force,複數是policemen: 男警察,警察,男警察,巡警,指某個具體的警察

  1.Recently a policeman and I were talking about dogs. I told him how much I liked German Shepherds.我最近與一位警務人員談到狗,我告訴他我非常喜歡德國牧羊狗;

  I looked up and saw a policeman standing not far from me and he was also looking at me.


  He said the policeman was injured, and two people were injured by gunshots.圖勒基說,那名警察受傷,有兩個人受槍傷。

  The policeman stared at me suspiciously.那個警察用猜疑的眼光瞪着我。

  2.policewoman [pəli:s,wumən] n.女警察

  3.taxi driver 出租汽車司機

  driver n. [C]driver , drivers, someone who drives a vehicle 司機

  a bus/lorry/truck/taxi driver公共汽車/卡車/出租車司機

  The driver of the van was killed in the accident.貨車司機在事故中喪生。

  driver , drivers, a computer program that makes it possible for a computer to use other pieces of equipment such as a printer (計算機的)驅動程序

  driver , drivers, long thin stick), with a wooden head, used in golf 高爾夫球棒

  4.air hostess 空中小姐=steward stewardess

  hostess, a noun [可數名詞C]hostess , 複數hostesses,male flight attendant,或steward男空乘,

  1. 女主人a woman who has guests

  2. (夜總會的)女招待;舞女a woman who entertains customers, especially men, at a nightclub


  actor/ actress(男演員/女演員)god/ goddess(神/女神)tiger/tigress雄虎/雌虎)poet/poetess(詩人/女詩人)waiter/waitress(服務員/女服務員)heir/ heiress(繼承人/女繼承人)lion/lioness(雄獅/母獅)stew-ard/ stewardess(乘務員/女乘務員)、prince/ /princess(王子/公主)等 另外,有些名詞則可以用另外一些詞綴,或者以詞綴- Woman,-lady,fe-,she-等來構成陰性的變化。如:salesman/ saleswoman(售貨員/女售貨員) male/female(男子/女子wolf/she-wof(公狼/母狼) goat/she-goat(公羊/母羊)masseur/masseuse(男按摩師/女按摩師) policeman/policewoman(警察/女警察landlord/andlady(房東/女房東)等

  1. air 乘坐飛機;航空;飛機 [U] travel in an aircraft

  I dont travel much by air. 我不常坐飛機。

  an air crash/disaster飛機失事/空難

  air travel乘飛機旅行

  2.air 空氣 [不可數名詞U] the mixture of gases which surrounds the Earth and which we breathe

  I went outside to get some fresh air. 我到室外呼吸一下新鮮空氣。

  You should put some air in your tyres - they look flat to me.你該給這些輪胎打氣了——它們看上去都癟了。

  3. the air空中,天空 [隻用單數S]the space above the ground, especially high above the ground

  The air was filled with the scent of roses. 空氣中彌漫着玫瑰的芳香。

  Throw your gun down and put your hands in the air. 扔掉槍,舉起手來。

  The police fired into the air to clear the demonstrators from the streets. 警察對天鳴槍以驅散街上的示威者。

  4. air 神态,樣子;風度,态度,MANNER态度 [隻用單數S] manner or appearance

  She has an air of confidence about her. 她一副自信的樣子。

  5. be on/off (the) air正在/停止播出. If a programme or a person is on/off (the) air, they are/are not broadcasting on radio or television

  ①The radio station is on air from 6.00 a.m. 廣播電台早晨6點開始播音。

  As soon as the war started, any broadcasts with a military theme were taken off the air. 戰争一爆發,所有有關軍事主題的節目都停止播出了。


  6. air慣用法idioms ⑴ airs and graces裝腔作勢,擺架子;矯揉造作false(虛僞的)ways of behaving that are intended to make other people feel that you are important and belong to a high social class

  He was always putting on airs and graces. 他總是裝腔作勢,故作姿态。

  Shes got no reason to give herself airs and graces. 她沒有理由擺架子。

  Were poor and we never put on airs. 我們貧窮但從不裝腔作勢。

  ⑵ be walking/floating on air歡天喜地;得意洋洋 to be very happy and excited because something very pleasant has happened to you

  Ever since she met Mark, shes been walking on air.自打遇到馬克那天起,她每天都是喜氣洋洋的。

  ⑶ in the air 即将發生;可被感覺到;被人們意識到 If something is in the air, you feel that it is happening or about to happen

  Love/Change/Spring is in the air. 愛意萌動/變革在即/春意盎然。

  ⑷ up in the air懸而未決 If a matter is up in the air, it is uncertain, often because other matters have to be decided first

  The whole future of the project is still up in the air. 這個項目前途未蔔。

  The spokesman told reporters today that the presidents trip to Moscow is up in the air.今天發言人告訴記者們總統是否前往莫斯科尚未确定。

  (5) full of hot air, hot air 作為一個習慣用語,它的意思就是廢話連篇,或吹牛。

  Dont worry about what some US high political officials say. They just likes to scare people. It makes them feel important, but they are just full of hot air. 别把美國政客的話放在心上。他們就是喜歡吓唬人,這樣會讓他們覺得自己很重要,其實他是空話連篇。

  (6) thin air。我們要學的第一個習慣用語是由thin air發展而來的。如,pull something out of thin air按照字面意思就是從稀薄的空氣裡抽取什麼東西。你想空氣本就是看不見摸不着的,要從稀薄的空氣裡抽取東西豈不更是難上加難。

  The company is flat broke. Unless the boss can pull something out of thin air and borrow a lot of money by Friday, well have to go into bankruptcy(倒閉,破産) and Ill have to look for other work.這家公司現在已是财源枯竭,除非老闆神通廣大能在星期五之前籌措到大筆錢款擺脫困境,否則我們就隻得陷入破産的境地,而我也必須另找工作了。

  pull something out of thin air要解決問題脫離困境就得克服困難地想方設法。

  Han Han is one of the best TV script writers. Shell take an absolutely hopelesss cript by somebody else, pull some new ideas out of thin air, and end up with a first-class show.寒寒是一個創作電視劇的天才作家,他的創造力豐富,一無是處的底稿經過他的神來之筆略加修改,就能拍成一鳴驚人的好戲。

  (7) come up for air這個習慣用語是忙得焦頭爛額;喘口氣、調節一下精神。

  Ive spent the whole day on my business. I still have more to do, but I simply have to come up for air. Lets go out for dinner so I can forget about my work for a little while.我整整一天都在埋頭做事,我還有不少沒完成,但是我可真得喘口氣歇一下了。我們出去吃頓飯吧,這樣我至少可以暫時把我繁忙的事務兒丢在腦後。

  My classmate can sit and study for three or four hours without coming up for air. Not me!


  (8) beat the air白費力氣;徒勞to continue to make futile attempts; to fight to no purpose. 哈哈,打空氣肯定是徒勞無益的啦。

  ① He is as stubborn as a mule. All those who have tried to persuade him have only been beating the air.他固執得 很,所有試圖勸說他的人都在白費口舌。

  ②You are like Don Quixote in your actions. All you are doing is to beat the air. Try to be practical.你的 舉動活像唐吉诃德。你所做的一切都是白費力氣。還 是實際一點吧。

  ③I do not run aimlessly, I do not box as one beating the air. 我不 會漫無邊際地亂跑,也不會毫無目标地打拳。

  (9) To walk on air形容一個人非常高興,走起路來輕飄飄。

  Li Xing has been walking on air ever since she got the official letter that shes been accepted as a graduate student at the University of Beijing. You know, she never thought she had a chance. 李星收到北京大學正式通知書,說她被錄取為研究生以後,她真是輕飄飄的,好像騰雲駕霧一樣。你知道嗎,她從來沒有想到她會被錄取。

  As soon as I know Im in the team its like Im walking on air. 一得知我加入了這個隊,我高興得像飛上了天。

  When I got the news I was being promoted to be Director of Marketing, I felt like walking on air. 在我得到被提升為市場部經理的消息後,我真是感到飄飄然,走起路來好像騰雲駕霧一樣。

  (10) A breath of fresh air: 帶來新氣象的人

  Michelle is so lovely and lively that she is a breath of fresh air for the whole family.米歇爾……給全家帶來了生機。

  (11) gives... airs and graces讓......變得趾高氣揚

  The old slogan of the customer being always right is what gives them airs and graces. 顧客總是對的這種宣傳标語讓他們變得趾高氣揚。

  9. air v. 說出,公開,亮出(觀點等) MAKE KNOWN 使知曉[及物動詞T] to make opinions or complaints known to other people

  ①Putting a complaint in the suggestions box is one way of airing your grievances. 有什麼怨言寫出來放在意見箱裡,這是一種發洩不滿的方式。

  The whole issue was thoroughly aired at the meeting.在會上公開課整個事件。

  Hell air his views on the war whether people want to listen or not. 不管人們是否願意聽,他都要說出他對戰争的看法。

  10. air v. DRY [作及物動詞或不及物動詞I or T] to become dry and/or fresh, or to cause to become dry and/or fresh (使)晾幹,(使)風幹;(使)烘幹;(使)通風

  My mother always airs the sheets before she makes the beds. 我媽媽在鋪床之前總是先把床單烘幹。

  Leave the windows open to let the room air a bit. 開着窗戶,讓房間通通風。

  11. air v. 廣播,播出,播送 BROADCAST [作及物動詞或不及物動詞I or T] US to broadcast something on radio or television

  ①The game will be aired live on CCTV at 7.00 tonight.今晚7點,中央電視台将現場直播這場比賽。

  ②The interview with Ren Zhengfei will air tomorrow morning.對任正非的采訪将在明天早晨播出。

  《新概念英語》第一冊第8課,重點單詞是Air,policeman,air hostess 空中小姐=steward stewardess,以及如hostess 等英語中常有以-ess結尾的名詞表示“女的,陰性”常見的表示男性與陰性對應的幾組詞。熟記詞綴-ess表示“女的,陰性”。actor/ actress(男演員/女演員),god/ goddess(神/女神),tiger/tigress雄虎/雌虎),poet/poetess(詩人/女詩人),waiter/waitress(服務員/女服務員),heir/ heiress(繼承人/女繼承人),lion/lioness(雄獅/母獅)



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