植物大戰僵屍2國際版新地圖neon mixtape tour更新時間,那麼新地圖到底什麼時間才能夠更新呢?看一看植物大戰僵屍2國際版新地圖neon mixtape tour更新時間吧。
植物大戰僵屍2neon mixtape tour什麼時候更新:
從最新的官方透露,國際版3.9.1已提交蘋果審核,但還在排隊等待中,所以暫時确認的消息還不是很清楚呢,國際版的玩家還是需要耐心等待的呢,如有第一手消息,小編也會及時告知大家的,現在小編為大家帶來Part 1 介紹,繼續往下看哦。
植物大戰僵屍2neon mixtape tour Part 1 介紹:
Get into the groove with Neon Mixtape Tour, Side A, and mix it up on the dance floor with Party DJ! You’ll chill out with sweet slow jams or speed things up with righteous rhythms, and prepare your plants as Punk Zombie, Glitter Zombie, and MC Zom-B move to the beat. Also included:
16 totally fresh levels
3 radical new plants – Phat Beet, Thyme Warp, and Celery Stalker
Plus, the sharp-shooting Cactus
Thanks for playing! Let us know what you think by rating us after each update.
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